Friday, January 30, 2015

Ecological Footprint

Part 4
1.       Review concept of personal ecological footprint.
2.       Predict how many Earth's each person on Earth would need, if they all lived your lifestyle (review concept of ecological footprint, if needed). (.5 point)
I predict that if everyone lived like me, we’d probably need about 5 earths. I’m not exactly the most earth friendly, but I do try.

3.       Calculate your ecological footprint using this site, Earth Day Footprint Calculator. Many other variable may come into play, or the questions might not "fit" your circumstance. Just do your best. (.5 point)

According to the test we’d need 3-7 earths to provide enough resources.
4.       Comment on your reaction in at least five sentences. (1 point)
Luckily everyone doesn’t live like me. There’s a lot of people in the world that live a lot better and more world friendly than I do. With 7 billon people in the world, it’s no wonder we all can’t allow our planet to restore itself. With that said, there are a lot of countries that still choose not to have electricity or any running water. If it weren’t for places like that, we might all be dead or close to. I have noticed that in the past 10 years, in Flagstaff, there are twice as many trees as when I got here. I think it’s because for every tree that is cut down in Flagstaff, we are planting a new one. I know that there’s a lot more that goes into it than just trees.

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